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Takahashi G, Betsuyaku S, Okuzumi N, Kiyosue T, Hirakawa Y. An Evolutionarily Conserved Coreceptor Gene Is Essential for CLAVATA Signaling in Marchantia polymorpha. Front Plant Sci. 2021 Apr 13;12:657548.  

Ma D, Endo S, Betsuyaku S, Shimotohno A, Fukuda H. CLE2 regulates light-dependent carbohydrate metabolism in Arabidopsis shoots. Plant Mol Biol. 2020 Dec;104(6):561-574.

Hanano S, Tomatsu H, Ohnishi A, Kobayashi K, Kondo Y, Betsuyaku S, Takita E, Ogata Y, Ozawa K, Suda K, Hosouchi T, Nagase T, Suzuki H, Sakurai N, Masumoto H, Fukuda H, Shibata D. An Artificial Conversion of Roots into Organs with Shoot Stem Characteristics by Inducing Two Transcription Factors. iScience. 2020 Jul 24;23(7):101332.


Betsuyaku SThe Rise of Evolutionary Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions (EvoMPMI). Plant Cell Physiol. 2020 Feb 1;61(2):223-224.

Shimada T, Betsuyaku S, Inada N, Ebine K, Fujimoto M Uemura T, Takano Y, Fukuda H, Nakano A, Ueda T Enrichment of phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate in the extra-invasive hyphal membrane promotes Colletotrichum infection of Arabidopsis thaliana Plant Cell Physiol. 2019 Jul 1;60(7):1514-1524. doi: 10.1093/pcp/pcz058.

Betsuyaku S, Nomura N and Fukuda H. A Versatile Method for Mounting Arabidopsis Leaves for Intravital Time-lapse Imaging. Journal of Visualized Experiments 2019 Feb 11;(144). doi: 10.3791/59147.

Kinoshita N, Sugita A, Lustig B, Betsuyaku S, Fujikawa T and Morishita, T. Automating measurements of fluorescent signals in freely moving plant leaf specimens Plant Biotechnology 2019 36(1):7-11

Kinoshita N and Betsuyaku S. The effects of Lepidopteran oral secretion on plant wounds: A case study on the interaction between Spodoptera litura and Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Biotechnology 2018 35(3):237-242 


Kurusu T, Mitsuka D, Yagi C, Kitahata N, Tsutsui T, Ueda T, Yamamoto Y, Negi J, Iba K, Betsuyaku S, and Kuchitsu K. Involvement of S-type anion channels in disease resistance against an oomycete pathogen in Arabidopsis seedlings. Communicative & Integrative Biology 2018 Aug 10;11(3):1-6


Ishiga T, Ishiga Y, Betsuyaku S, Nomura N. AlgU contributes to the virulence of Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato DC3000 by regulating production of the phytotoxin coronatine. Journal of General Plant Pathology 2018 May;84(3):pp 189–201

Takahashi F, Suzuki T, Osakabe Y, Betsuyaku S, Kondo Y, Dohmae N, Fukuda H, Yamaguchi-Shinozaki K & Shinozaki K. A small peptide modulates stomatal control via abscisic acid in long-distance signaling. Nature. 2018 Apr;556(7700):235-238. doi: 10.1038/s41586-018-0009-2. Epub 2018 Apr 4.

Nishida H, Tanaka S, Handa Y, Ito M, Sakamoto Y, Matsunaga S, Betsuyaku S, Miura K, Soyano T, Kawaguchi M, Suzaki T. A NIN-LIKE PROTEIN mediates nitrate-induced control of root nodule symbiosis in Lotus japonicus. Nat Commun. 2018 Feb 5;9(1):499. doi: 10.1038/s41467-018-02831-x.


Betsuyaku S#, Katou S, Takebayashi Y, Sakakibara H, Nomura N, Fukuda H. Salicylic Acid and Jasmonic Acid Pathways are Activated in Spatially Different Domains Around the Infection Site During Effector-Triggered Immunity in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Cell Physiol. 2018 Jan 1;59(1):8-16. doi: 10.1093/pcp/pcx181. #Corresponding author


Inada N, Betsuyaku S, Shimada TL, Ebine K, Ito E, Kutsuna N, Hasezawa S, Takano Y, Fukuda H, Nakano A, Ueda T. Modulation of Plant RAB GTPase-Mediated Membrane Trafficking Pathway at the Interface Between Plants and Obligate Biotrophic Pathogens. Plant Cell Physiol. 2016 57(9):1854-64. 


Endo S, Betsuyaku S, Fukuda H. Endogenous peptide ligand-receptor systems for diverse signaling networksin plants. Current Opinion in Plant Biology. 2014 Oct;21:140-6. 


(In Japanese) 別役重之、加藤新平、佐藤昌直、浜田紗稀、福田裕穂、「視(み)ることで識(し)る植物免疫応答」、新視点から見渡す病原体感染戦略と植物免疫ネットワーク 植物感染生理談話会論文集(第49号) ISSN1345-8086、2014:49:69-75


Tamaki T, Betsuyaku S, Fujiwara M, Fukao Y, Fukuda H, Sawa S. SUPPRESSOR OF LLP1 1-mediated C-terminal processing is critical for CLE19 peptide activity. The Plant Journal. 2013 Dec;76(6):970-81. 


Jewaria PK, Hara T, Tanaka H, Kondo T, Betsuyaku S, Sawa S, Sakagami Y, Aimoto S, Kakimoto T. Differential effects of the peptides Stomagen, EPF1 and EPF2 on activation of MAP kinase MPK6 and the SPCH protein level. Plant & Cell Physiology. 2013 Aug;54(8):1253-62. 


Betsuyaku S, Sawa S, Yamada M. The Function of the CLE Peptides in Plant Development and Plant-Microbe Interactions. The Arabidopsis Book. 2011;9:e0149. doi: 10.1199/tab.0149. Epub 2011 Sep 26. 


Betsuyaku S*#, Takahashi F*, Kinoshita A, Miwa H, Shinozaki K, Fukuda H, Sawa S. Mitogen-activated protein kinase regulated by the CLAVATA receptors contributes to shoot apical meristem homeostasis. Plant & Cell Physiology. 2011 Jan;52(1):14-29. *Co-first authors, #Corresponding author


(In Japanese) 別役重之、澤進一郎、福田裕穂、「植物寄生性線虫がもつ植物ペプチドホルモン様遺伝子の機能とは?」、生物の科学 遺伝 2010;64(5): 52-59.


Miyazawa H, Oka-Kira E, Sato N, Takahashi H, Wu GJ, Sato S, Hayashi M, Betsuyaku S, Nakazono M, Tabata S, Harada K, Sawa S, Fukuda H, Kawaguchi M. The receptor-like kinase KLAVIER mediates systemic regulation of nodulation and non-symbiotic shoot development in Lotus japonicus. Development. 2010 Dec;137(24):4317-25. 


Kinoshita A, Betsuyaku S, Osakabe Y, Mizuno S, Nagawa S, Stahl Y, Simon R, Yamaguchi-Shinozaki K, Fukuda H, Sawa S. RPK2 is an essential receptor-like kinase that transmits the CLV3 signal in Arabidopsis. Development. 2010 Nov;137(22):3911-20. Erratum in: Development. 2010 Dec;137(24):4327. 


Miwa H, Betsuyaku S, Iwamoto K, Kinoshita A, Fukuda H, Sawa S. The receptor-like kinase SOL2 mediates CLE signaling in Arabidopsis. Plant & Cell Physiology. 2008 Nov;49(11):1752-7. 


Sawa S, Kinoshita A, Betsuyaku S, Fukuda H. A large family of genes that share homology with CLE domain in Arabidopsis and rice. Plant Signal Behav. 2008 May;3(5):337-9.


Noël LD, Cagna G, Stuttmann J, Wirthmüller L, Betsuyaku S, Witte CP, Bhat R, Pochon N, Colby T, Parker JE. Interaction between SGT1 and cytosolic/nuclear HSC70 chaperones regulates Arabidopsis immune responses. The Plant Cell. 2007 Dec;19(12):4061-76. 


Kemmerling B, Schwedt A, Rodriguez P, Mazzotta S, Frank M, Qamar SA, Mengiste T, Betsuyaku S, Parker JE, Müssig C, Thomma BP, Albrecht C, de Vries SC, Hirt H, Nürnberger T. The BRI1-associated kinase 1, BAK1, has a brassinolide-independent role in plant cell-death control. Current Biology. 2007 Jul 3;17(13):1116-22. 


Azevedo C*, Betsuyaku S*, Peart J, Takahashi A, Noël L, Sadanandom A, Casais C, Parker J, Shirasu K. Role of SGT1 in resistance protein accumulation in plant immunity. The EMBO Journal. 2006 May 3;25(9):2007-16. *Co-first authors


Tada Y*, Kusaka K*, Betsuyaku S*, Shinogi T, Sakamoto M, Ohura Y, Hata S, Mori T, Tosa Y, Mayama S. Victorin triggers programmed cell death and the defense response via interaction with a cell surface mediator. Plant & Cell Physiology. 2005 Nov;46(11):1787-98. *Co-first authors


Kimura, Y., Tosa, Y., Betsuyaku S., Sasabe, Y., Tomita, R., Murakami, J., Nakayashiki, H. and Mayama S. Oat retrotransposon OARE-1 is activated in both compatible and incompatible interactions with pathogenic fungi. Journal of General Plant Pathology. 2002 68:8-14. 


Tada Y, Mori T, Shinogi T, Yao N, Takahashi S, Betsuyaku S, Sakamoto M, Park P, Nakayashiki H, Tosa Y, Mayama S. Nitric oxide and reactive oxygen species do not elicit hypersensitive cell death but induce apoptosis in the adjacent cells during the defense response of oat. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions. 2004 Mar;17(3):245-53. 


Kimura Y, Tosa Y, Shimada S, Sogo R, Kusaba M, Sunaga T, Betsuyaku S, Eto Y, Nakayashiki H, Mayama S. OARE-1, a Ty1-copia retrotransposon in oat activated by abiotic and biotic stresses. Plant & Cell Physiology. 2001 Dec;42(12):1345-54. 


Nakayashiki H, Matsuo H, Chuma I, Ikeda K, Betsuyaku S, Kusaba M, Tosa Y, Mayama S. Pyret, a Ty3/Gypsy retrotransposon in Magnaporthe grisea contains an extra domain between the nucleocapsid and protease domains. Nucleic Acids Research. 2001 Oct 15;29(20):4106-13. 


Book chapters etc.

(In Japanese) 青野由利、浅島誠、石浦正一、井出利憲、入村達郎、児玉龍彦、駒崎伸二、笹川昇、柴崎芳一、嶋田正和、福田裕穂、別役重之、正木春彦、柳本伸太郎、山本正幸、米本昌平、和田洋一郎、渡邊雄一郎(五十音順):「文系のための生命科学 第二版.」.東京大学生命科学教科書編集委員会/編 羊土社,174頁,2011。 


Mayama, S., Tada, Y., Hata, S., Takata, Y., Yao, N., Mori, T., Yang, Q., Betsuyaku S., Nakayashiki, H., Tosa, Y. and Park, P. :「Apoptotic response in defence of oats to infections and elicitors」 In: Delivery and Perception of Pathogen Signals to Plants. (Keen, N.T., Mayama, S., Leach, J.E. and Tsuyumu, S., eds.) APS Press(米国), 220-228.頁,2001。共著



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